
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Let's Talk Politics, Pt. 1

So some things were brought to my attention lately that made me really think about doing this post. What I'm gonna say some may not agree with especially with my intended audience, young conservative home school graduates. But this is something that I want to share with you all. A little glimpse of what I've learned being in politics. I hope that you understand that my point behind this is to encourage you to be wise in the political arena and not ignorant. Jesus told us in Matt. 10:16 that we are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. the snake is a shrewd creature able to recognize friend from foe; actions that will benefit or actions that will harm.

What I want to do in this post, and future ones like it, is teach you a little on how to be "wise as serpents" because from what I've seen, young conservatives need it... Badly. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I have all the answers, I most definitely am not the most experienced dude in politics. But from my experience I've come across young conservatives making mistakes that will actually hurt them if not corrected. So without further adieu let's get down to business shall we?

The Media is not Your Friend
I came across this recently on Facebook. A young student was making a comment on an article she saw on a news media's website. The article was discussing the "policy shift" of a major conservative 2016 Presidential nominee hopeful. The article had apparently changed this young lady's view entirely on this guy. She now no longer supports him because of the statements made in this article. My verdict? Bad, move Jeeves.

The media is not your friend, not even the supposedly conservative ones. I've been in the business long enough to know that even if you agree on major policy issues, if you're not that news outlets "guy" you're a target and they will spin your statements. Now I'm not saying that was what was done in this case but after reading the article myself I noticed some issues that made me skeptical of it (*Sniff* *Sniff* I smell a spin doctor). Watch out for these kinds of things. Don't believe every thing you see, read, or hear. Fact check it, find the context. Focus on what was actually said rather than what the media tells you what was said (I find it hilarious that they will show you a speech then begin to interpret it for you). If you can do this you'll less likely to be duped by the media.

Don't Post Everything that Comes to Mind!
PLEASE! Don't do this one! Especially not, if you are considering running for office one day. It will come back to haunt you. See something that Congress or your state leg is doing that really rubs you the wrong way? Act rationally, don't begin a slug fest of ad hominem attacks, or post memes with questionable facts. It will come back to get you, trust me. For example, I know of a young gentleman that thought a particular post that he saw would be just the thing to post on Facebook for a candidate. So he posted the picture on the candidate's timeline. What he didn't realize however was how that picture was very extreme in nature. The statements made could also have been easily spun to make the candidate look like a extreme radical with not much capital in the intelligence department. Fortunately, it was taken down before it could cause serious damage. But just take this as a reminder, be careful little ones what you post.

So those are a couple issues I wanted to share with you. Of course I'll probably be back with more as I go along. But fill free to comment your thoughts below, share this on social media if you found it helpful, or whatever. God bless, and I hope to see you making an impact in our culture.

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